75 State Street Parking Garage
Company Name: 75 State Street Parking Garage
Status: Active
State: Massachusetts
Post: 02109-1827
County: Suffolk
City: Boston
Address: 75 State Street
Phone: (617)742-7275
Fax: (617)345-7349
Email: opportunities@standardparking.com
Contact Manager: Ted Demmelash
Web site: www.standardparking.com
SIC code: 752102 Industry group: Auto repair services & parking, Business category: Automobile parking, Subcategory: Parking stations & garages
Employees: 23
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 2114640
Overall: 75 State Street Parking Garage is a business categorized under automobile parking, which is part of the larger category auto repair services & parking. 75 State Street Parking Garage is located at the address 75 State Street in Boston, Massachusetts 02109-1827. The Manager is Ted Demmelash who can be contacted at (617)742-7275.
Description: Automobile Parking
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