P T Watts Inc, 121 MA-146, Sutton, MA, 01590-0000, general automotive repair shops

U.S Auto repair Massachusetts Auto repair Massachusetts - List of United States Auto Repair Services & Parking, Passenger car & Truck rental

P T Watts Inc

Company Name: P T Watts Inc
Status: Active
State: Massachusetts
Post: 01590-0000
County: Worcester
City: Sutton
Address: 121 MA-146
Phone: (508)865-9054
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Paul Watts
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 7538 Industry group: Auto repair services & parking, Business category: General automotive repair shops
Employees: 5
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 598000
Overall: P T Watts Inc is a business categorized under general automotive repair shops, which is part of the larger category auto repair services & parking. P T Watts Inc is located at the address 121 MA-146 in Sutton, Massachusetts 01590-0000. The Owner is Paul Watts who can be contacted at (508)865-9054.
Description: General Automotive Repair Shops
  • Truck repair shop
In summary:
  • If your looking for a more personable repair facility then this is it.
  • Should not even be in buisness unprofessional ..
  • Good people to deal with.
Recommended: Yes: 1 No: 0Click here to Inform about a mistake 1070 Rating:

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Name: M.J.
Message: Great guys. Professional, knowledgeable, efficient and friendly.
Name: S.F.
Message: Great guys.. fair pricing.
Name: S.
Message: Jason and his employees are top notch, top notch, I say! They get it done.
Name: M.M.
Message: These guys and girls are great, you will not find a more accommodating shop! They always keep my truck going, do high quality work, I could recommend them any higher!
Name: J.7.
Message: The secretary was very nice on the phone, very personable and very caring to my needs. The employees are very understanding and knowledgeable. My truck would not run correctly for months then I took it here and they figured out the problem quite quickly. The supervisor is very helpful and understanding, he’s a people person.
Name: J.B.
Message: Excellent service. If your looking for a more personable repair facility then this is it. They always work with us to get our trucks fixed timely and have been great to deal with. Highly recommend.
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